
Saturday, December 5, 2015

20 Uses For the Premium Starter Kit

20 Uses for the Premium Starter Kit

Have you been interested in essential oils but wondered if (and how) you would actually use them? I thought I would share 20 ways I use the oils in Young Living's incredible Premium Starter Kit.

With the Premium Starter Kit, you get a diffuser and these awesome oils: lavender, lemon,peppermint, frankincense, copaiba, Thieves, R.C., DiGize, Purification, PanAway, and Stress Away. Here are the ways I use these oils on a regular basis:

1. Put lemon in my water to replace acidic lemon slices and to support my immune system.
2. Diffuse lavender at night to promote healthy sleep.
3. Add a drop of Thieves to warm cider for added taste and immune support.
4. Roll Stress Away on on my wrists to relieve daily stress.
5. Rub a drop or two of frankincense on my face to improve the appearance of healthy skin.
6. Use a natural shoe/room/air freshener: a few drops of Purification with water and witch hazel.
7. Put a drop or two of R.C. on my neck and chest to support a healthy respiratory system.
8. Take a bath with epsom salts mixed with lavender or Stress Away for relaxation.
9. Take a drop or two of DiGize to support my digestive system.
10. Bake brownies with peppermint oil for friends and family.
11. Put Purification on a cotton ball and place near garbage cans and my cat's litter box.
12. Apply PanAway and coconut oil to my feet and legs after a long day working a conference.13. Add lemon oil to some of my favorite recipes: lemon cookies, lemon pie, fruit dip.
14. Combine lemon, peppermint, sugar, and coconut oil to make a sugar scrub that family and friends love to smell.
15. Diffuse Purification as an alternative to chemical air fresheners.
16. Apply PanAway with coconut oil after exercise to support my muscular system.
17. Apply R.C. to my feet and chest before exercise to create an uplifting and inspiring aroma.
18. Diffuse Thieves to make my house smell amazing, especially at Christmas time.
19. Apply lavender to my face to support healthy skin.
20. Diffuse Stress Away because it's my favorite scent ever!

Hopefully you can see how versatile and beneficial these oils are! From supporting your body and mind to replacing chemical-filled products in your home, essential oils can enhance every area of your life!

Since it's Christmas time, I also want to give you a gift! Purchase a Premium Starter Kit from me by December 31, 2015 and I will gift you with your choice of the following:

  • $15 reimursement for tax and shipping, plus reference materials OR
  • a gift bag which includes:
    • Thieves Sanitizing Spray
    • Thieves Hand Purifier
    • Young Living Lip Balm
    • Reference materials

Merry Christmas to you! (Tip: If you want to receive your Premium Starter Kit by Christmas, order SOON!)

Have questions? E-mail me at oilyphotographer79@gmail.com. Ready to get your Premium Starter Kit? Click HERE.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Holiday Cooking with Young Living Essential Oils!

Its that time of year...Holiday cooking and food comas from eating too much.  

I found these lovely recipes that use Young Living Essential Oils.  Please note, I am only talking about Young Living's therapeutic grade essential oils.  The oils in theses recipes are safe to take internally, please do not replace the oils with something you buy "over the counter" as they are most likely not therapeutic grade.

So here is to a yummy Thanksgiving and overall happy cooking experience!

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Healthly Pumpkin Spice Creamer

Friends, I love fall and I love everything pumpkin.  From decorations outside to all the yummy breads, drinks and lattes.  However, I do not like all the extra sugar and artificial flavors needed to make those delicious treats.

So here is my Trick or Treat for the season.  Non Dairy Pumpkin Spiced Creamer.  

Please remember, I am only recommending Young Living Essential Oils to be used internally as these particular oils can be used as a dietary supplement.  

2 cups non dairy creamer
1/3 cup Pumpkin Puree
1-3 drops Cinnamon Bark YL Essential Oil
1-3 drops Ginger YL Essential Oil
1-3 Clove YL Essential Oil
1 Tsp Pure Vanilla Extract

I like my flavor stronger, so I use 3 drops of each Essential Oil, but you may only want 1-2 drops.
Add all the ingredients to a blender and blend until smooth.  Transfer to an airtight container and store in the fridge.  Always shake creamer before using.

Health Benefits and Fun Historical References

Cinnamon Bark: In the Bible, cinnamon was in the high ranks of spices along with Frankincense and Myrrh.
  • Plant Origin - Sri Lanka, Madagascar, Ceylon
  • Wellness Benefits - supports the cardiovascular system, digestive system and immune system. 
  • History - Listed in Dioscorides' De Materia Medica (AD 78), Europe's first authoritative guide to medicines, which became the standard reference work for herbal treatments for over 1,700 years.
  • Biblical References - Exodus 30:23, Proverbs 7:17, and Song of Solomon 4:14
"Spikenard and saffron; calamus and cinnamon, with all trees of frankincense; myrrh and aloes, with all the chief spices." Song of Solomon 4:14

  • Plant Origin - India and China
  • Wellness Benefits - Used to support the respiratory system, muscular system, digestive system and nervous system. 
  • History - Anciently esteemed as a spice recognized for its affinity for the digestive system, ginger has ben used in gingerbread (up to 4,000 years ago in Greece), in Egyptian cuisine, in Roman wine, in Indiana tea to benefit the digestive system, and in Chinese tonics to support the cardiovascular system.  

  • Plant Origin - Madagascar, Spice Islands
  • Wellness Benefits - Supports the immune system, cardiovascular system and respiratory system.
  • Folklore - Some old tales say that walking near clove trees while wearing a hat would frighten the trees into no longer bearing fruit.  While the trees may have been afraid of hats, they were not afraid of viruses.
  • History - The people n the island of Ternate were free from epidemics until the 16th century, when Dutch conquerors destroyed the clove trees that flourished on the islands.
    • Clove was listed in Hildegard's Medicine, a compilation of early German medicines by highly regarded Benedictine herbalist Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179).
    • Also found in the Young Living Thieves essential oil blend.
Essential Oils Desk Reference (sixth edition), compiled and published by Life Science, April 2014.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Young Living's New Starter Kit

Young Living's new Starter Kit is AMAZING!
Click HERE to place your order.

3 new oils in the starter kit.
R.C, Copaiba and DiGize
Choose from 4 different diffusers

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

How We Use Ningxia Red Juice

Ningxia Red

One of the reasons I chose Young Living over the other Essential Oil companies was because they offer the Ningxia red juice.  This power packed juice helps support all systems of the body!

NingXia Red is a specially formulated powerful antioxidant drink that tastes great, fortifies the body, and replenishes key nutrients. This proprietary blend contains pure essential oils such as orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine, as well as the renowned Wolfberry Puree from China’s NingXia Province, and a wide variety of vitamin enriched whole fruits such as blueberries, apricots, raspberries, and pomegranates.

  • Balanced ingredients make NingXia Red a whole-body nutrient infusion for health and wellness support.
  • Supports normal cellular function.
  • Contains powerful ingredients that are involved in many natural antioxidant processes.
  • Supports good health and overall wellness.
  • Supports whole-body health support.
  • Supports normal eye health.
  • Delivers citrus essential oils containing d-limonene, a powerful component in citrus oils.
  • Energize
  • Fortify
  • Revitalize
  • Formulated from exotic fruits.
  • Powerful formula includes wolfberry, which is touted for its health benefits.
  • Helps prevent against oxidative stress.
  • Healthy daily supplement.

All NingXia Red Singles are in 2oz. sizes, which make them convenient, easy and ready to travel. Chill, shake, drink!
Each day, our family starts the day with Ningxia.  Emma has 1 ounce.  I feel confident giving we her a super blend of fruits and essential oils to keep her healthy.

I typically have 1-2 ounces a day.  I like the overall feeling of goodness throughout the day.  I feel great when working out and love feeling my best!

Jason has 4 ounces a day to get an extra boost supporting his whole body system.

Ningxia Nitro 

Ningxia Nitro is a good natural way to get that extra push.  I take it before I work out or in the afternoon when I start to have that tired feeling.  Nitro gives me extra energy without feeling jittery.  It also does not hinder me from getting a good nights sleep, since it is all natural.

Other Ways we use Ningxia

  • I add it to my protein smoothies
  • Popsicles for the family
  • Home-made gummies with local honey
  • Drink it daily and consistently

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Rumor Has it - NingXia Red Juice is AMAZING!

Ningxia Wolfberry: the Ultimate Superfood
When I started investigating various essential oil companies, I wanted to make sure I was making a health investment that was best for our family.  As I have shared with my friends and family we strive to make the best overall health choices.  I'd rather spend money on healthy organic food, natural supplements created from God giving resources to support healthy body systems.

When I was investigating, Young Living grabbed my attention because they have several products that incorporate the Ningxia Wolfberry.  I had never heard of this berry before and wanted to know more.

What is NingXia Red Juice?
NingXia Red is a specially formulated powerful antioxidant drink that tastes great, fortifies the body, and replenishes key nutrients. This proprietary blend contains pure essential oils such as orange, yuzu, lemon, and tangerine, as well as the renowned Wolfberry Puree from China’s NingXia Province, and a wide variety of vitamin enriched whole fruits such as blueberries, apricots, raspberries, and pomegranates.

Ningxia, China is an actual place

"The Yellow River flood plain where the Ningxia wolfberry crop is concentrated derives its water from the Himalayan mountains.  As the water flows through the mountain snow-pack and lower Himalayan foothills, it becomes charged with an unprecedented assortment of minerals and organic nutrients.  By the time it reaches the Ningxia province of Northern China it is a mineral rich, super fertile silt water, the likes of which is found nowhere else on earth **(Young 25)."

Why has the wolfberry been unknown in the west?  For the most part, the Ningxia people have been relatively isolated from the rest of civilization.  For centuries, they have been protected by deserts, mountains, and large land masses within central China.  Wolfberry legends and records of ancient Chinese medicine reach back 5,000 years.  Also, the wolfberry was kept secret because China kept its borders closed to foreigners for thousand of years, remember The Great Wall of China - the purpose was to keep people out.  The Ningxia wolfberry is also a national treasure and used by Olympic coaches as their "secret weapon."

So Why Was This Super Fruit So Important To Incorporate Into My Family's Daily Diet?  Great Antioxodant!

ORAC - Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity

Stayed tuned for how we use this wonderful juice in our family on a daily basis.

**Young, Gary, and Ronald Lawrence. Ningxia Wolfberry: The Ultimate Superfood: How the Ningxia Wolfberry and Four Other Foods Help Combat Heart Disease, Cancer, Chronic Fatigue, Depression, Diabetes and More. 2nd ed. Orem, UT: Essential Science, 2006. Print.  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Men only hear the word Sensual

I find it very funny that when I mention to a couple that I use and sell Young Living Essential Oils, the husband's eyes get big, he starts giving his wife romantic looks and a bright smile comes across his face.

The first time I mentioned to Jason that I wanted to incorporate therapeutic grade essential oils into our family's daily life, he ask. "do they make one for naked time?"

I swear, men only hear the word SENSUAL, sorry lover boys, the word is ESSENTIAL!

When Jason first asked me this question, I rolled my eyes and didn't answer him. Young Living does have sexy time oils, but who knows what will unleash in our household if he gets his hands on those bottles.   Now don't get me wrong, I love my husband and I love naked time (now you know our code word).  But a girl has to keep her man guessing and save the extra ammunition in the arsenal until she is ready for him to jump in her fox hole?

Here are some of the oils Young Living has to benefit your romantic time, which in turn helps your intimacy grow as a loving couple.  I'm so glad I'm married to a wonderful man and that God invented sex?

The name of this oil blend, should give you a hint of its purpose. Sensation is a blend of Rosewood, Ylang Ylang and Jasmine.  The aroma of this blend is uplifting, arousing, and creates feelings of excitement & romance.  You can use it in massage, a shower gel, make bath salts, diffuse in the air or wear as a cologne or perfume.  Along with it's sexy time benefits, Sensation is also nourishing to the skin.  It can help support hydration and assist with skin problems. 

This quote comes from Young Living's member news, so if you thought Shutran was amazing before, now its been improved."Our Shutran™ essential oil blend is now better than ever! We’re excited to announce a new and improved formula, featuring Black Spruce essential oil from our Northern Lights Farm. We’ve also added more Idaho Blue Spruce, Ylang Ylang, and Lavender essential oils for a more potent and appealing blend. Add it to your next order today!"

This blend was created to be worn as a cologne to help inspire attitudes of masculinity and build confidence.  It also helps with feelings of calmness.  The single oils contained in this blend are Idaho Blue Spruce (helps with feelings of grounding and balance), Ocotea (high level of sesquiterpenses to support balance of the endocrine system), Hinoki (provides a calming affect), Ylang Ylang (calming aroma, with sexy time energy), coriander, Davana, Cedarwood, Lemon and Lavender.

Lady Sclareol and Jasmine

Lady Sclareol ~ was formulated to have an alluring scent of oils that create a seductive environment. This oil is also beneficial for the skin.  The blend contains the following oils: Rosewood (relaxing to the mind, creates feelings of peace and gentleness), Vetiver (I use this oil to help me relax before bedtime.  Geranium (helps with hormonal balance and discharges toxins from the liver), Orange (brings peace, happiness and joy to the heart) and Clary Sage (benefits for regulating cells and hormonal balance for women). Clary Sage is a single oil blend that can be beneficial 

Jasmine ~ Whenever I hear the word Jasmine, I think of Princess Jasmine from the movie Aladdin.  So lets dive in and see how this oil can create "A Whole New World" for you.  :)  Jasmine is a single oil and comes from the olive family.  Historically, In India, it is known as : queen of the night" and "moonlight of the grove."  Like most of Young Living's Essential oils, Jasmine has multiple uses.  It could provide feelings of confidence, energy, euphoria and optimism which help for a happy afternoon delight. On a sexy note ~ when used as a perfume or cologne it increases feelings of attractiveness.

Some other Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils to Consider

  • Goldenrod - The name alone, just makes my inner middle school mind think of all sorts of jokes.
  • SclarEssence
  • Lavender - great to diffuse to create a relaxing environment
  • Ylang Ylang
  • And several others 

Again, Young Living's essential Oils and Oil Blends have more than one benefit, but others to investigate for happy couple moments are listed above.  Please remember, I am talking about Young Living's Therapeutic grade Essential Oils which are pure and non adulterated.  Essential Oils bought at local stores may say 100% essential oil, but are not therapeutic grade.  Also I am not a doctor and cannot diagnose you.  I'm here to share the benefits Young Living Oils have had on me and my family.  Do your own research.

Also Ladies and Gentlemen, do not put these oils on your man parts or lady parts, that's gonna burn.  Just remember if oils shouldn't go inside your eyes, nose or ear canal, then they shouldn't go in other bodily openings.

Happy Snuggle Time!  

If you are ready to purchase a starter kit, host a class or learn more information, please contact me.  Or click here to place your first order.

The information provided about the various Young Living Essential oils and blends was found in the "Essential Oils Desk Reference, sixth edition" compiled by Life Science Publishing and the "Quick Reference Guide for using Essential Oils book and app" by Connie and Alan Higley.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Some Ideas on how to use the Starter Kit Oils

5 Gallon Bucket of Laundry Detergent

PHEW.....I just finished making my own laundry detergent and I think I have enough to last me a year, maybe longer.  Again, this recipe came from "The Chemical Free Home" by, Melissa M. Popping.  If you are interested in getting this booklet, I'll be giving one away in the near future as a raffle prize.

What you will need: medium size saucepan, long spoon, measuring cups and a 5 gallon bucket with cover

4 Cups Hot Tap Water
1 Cup Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda
1/2 Cup Borax
2 Cups Baking Soda
1 Bar Grated Dr. Bronner's Pure Castile Soap (I used Eucalyptus)
5 Capfuls Thieves Household Cleaner
3 Tbsp Mrs. Stewarts Bluing Agent

The original recipe called for half lavender and half rose scented soap, but I figured Jason didn't want to smell like flowers.

Grate soap into small pieces and set aside. Pour 4 cups of hot tap water ino sacepan and add soap, stirring continually over low heat until soap is melted and dissolved - do not boil.

Looks like grated cheese, but don't eat it!  :)
Fill 5 gallon buck half full of hot tap water and add melted soap, washing soda, baking soda, and Borax.  

Add 5 capfuls of Young Living Thieves Household Cleaner.

Add 3 Tbsp Mrs. Stewarts Bluing Agent

Stir well until all powder is dissolved.  Fill the 5 gallon bucket to just below the top.  Stir cover and let sit overnight to thicken.  Optional: once thickened, mix with immersion blender (I did not do this).  Fill a clean and empty liquid laundry detergent bottle half full with soap and fill the rest of the way with tap water.  See why this will last FOREVER!!!

I imagine tiny Smurfs will be swimming in this all night long.

  • Non-HE Machines: 5/8 cup per load (apx 180 loads)
  • HE Machines: 1/4 cup per load (apx 640 loads)

Contact me to find out how to purchase the Young Living Thieves Household Cleaner or click here.


Essential Oils Foaming Face Wash

Over the years I have tried just about every single facial regimen and nothing really works the way I would like.

This past week, I decided to take another step to help my skin and made my own foaming face wash.  I got this recipe from "The Chemical Free Home" booklet, by Melissa M. Poepping.

Faming Facial Wash

2 Tbsp Dr. Bronner's Castile Soap
1 drop Frankincense essential oil
10 drops Orange Essential Oil
1 drop Carrot seed essential oil

In an empty foaming hand soap dispenser (3.5oz - 4 oz) combine above ingredients and fill to within 1 inch of the top with water, attach pump and gently shake before each use.

You can also add: 1 drop Rosemary, 5 Geranium, 4 Tea Tree, 1 lavender

I had to improvise a bit since I didn't have carrot seed oil.

What I used!
So for my wash I used 10 drops Orange, 2 drops Frankincense, 4 drops Tea Tree and 1 drop Lavender.  I also used the Dr. Bronner's peppermint Castile Soap.  I liked the smell and tingle it leaves after each wash.  Several scents can be found at target or online.

This is why I love Young Living Essential oils, each oil has a variety of uses that I can replace ingredients when needed.  So far after a week of use, my skin feels so soft and clean.


Monday, March 16, 2015

Where I began

Where I began? Originally from my Mama.

Some of you may be wondering...do I just order one oil and try it out?  What is a diffuser and where do I get one?  How do I learn the benefits of each oil and how do I use them?  Why am I friends with Katie, she is turning into a crazy hippie?

Reader's Digest Version of why I became interested in Young Living Essential Oils.  My husband has some health issues.  The past 2.5 years we have learned and implemented a mostly gluten and dairy free diet.  It was a slow change and we are still learning, but it has been helpful to our overall health and most importantly, his health.  We cheat and eat stuff we want when we want, but for the most part we have cut out the gluten and Dairy.

My rule of thumb, "try to eat only the things my Great Grandmother would recognize."

Now that our eating habits have actually become habits, I decided to move onto another step in getting our home more healthy.  I wanted to rid our home of harsh chemicals and use more holistic remedies.

New rule, "add natural homemade cleaning products and remedies that my Great Great Grandmother would recognize." 

I had heard a little bit about essential oils and tried some over the counter oils.  They smelled good, but I didn't really notice any changes.  One of my friends began using and selling Young Living Essential Oils and my actual thought was..."well she's way smarter than me, so this must be a good product."  I began researching the company online and reading as much as I could and found only positive feedback.  So bata bing, bata boom, sign me up.

I purchased the Premium Starter Kit because it gave me a wholesale membership.

In the starter kit you will recieve
  • 11 different essential oils
    • Lemon
    • Lavender
    • Peppermint
    • Frankincense
    • Melaluca Alternifolia
    • Purification
    • Thieves
    • Stress Away
    • PanAway
    • Joy
    • Citrus Fresh
  • 1 home diffuser
  • 10 sample sachets
  • 2 packets of NingXia Red
  • 1 roller fitment

Essential Oil Pocket Reference guid

The Premium Starter Kit is a great deal!  With the wholesale membership, you will receive 24% off the retail price of any future orders you place! If you would like to maintain your wholesale membership, you simply need to spend $50 per year. However, if you do not place another order, there is no penalty to you.

Also, do you want to get your Premium Starter Kit for free? Tell your friends and family about essential oils. Whenever one of your friends or family members signs up for a starter kit, you will receive a check for $50. After three people sign up, your starter kit is free!  Sounds like a good deal to me.

Which one looks like a better deal to you?

Stay tuned for my next post explaining how our family has used the oils thus far.

Click here if you are ready to purchase.