Some of you may be I just order one oil and try it out? What is a diffuser and where do I get one? How do I learn the benefits of each oil and how do I use them? Why am I friends with Katie, she is turning into a crazy hippie?
Reader's Digest Version of why I became interested in Young Living Essential Oils. My husband has some health issues. The past 2.5 years we have learned and implemented a mostly gluten and dairy free diet. It was a slow change and we are still learning, but it has been helpful to our overall health and most importantly, his health. We cheat and eat stuff we want when we want, but for the most part we have cut out the gluten and Dairy.
My rule of thumb, "try to eat only the things my Great Grandmother would recognize."
Now that our eating habits have actually become habits, I decided to move onto another step in getting our home more healthy. I wanted to rid our home of harsh chemicals and use more holistic remedies.
New rule, "add natural homemade cleaning products and remedies that my Great Great Grandmother would recognize."
I had heard a little bit about essential oils and tried some over the counter oils. They smelled good, but I didn't really notice any changes. One of my friends began using and selling Young Living Essential Oils and my actual thought was..."well she's way smarter than me, so this must be a good product." I began researching the company online and reading as much as I could and found only positive feedback. So bata bing, bata boom, sign me up.
I purchased the Premium Starter Kit because it gave me a wholesale membership.
In the starter kit you will recieve
- 11 different essential oils
- Lemon
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Frankincense
- Melaluca Alternifolia
- Purification
- Thieves
- Stress Away
- PanAway
- Joy
- Citrus Fresh
- 1 home diffuser
- 10 sample sachets
- 2 packets of NingXia Red
- 1 roller fitment
Also, do you want to get your Premium Starter Kit for free? Tell your friends and family about essential oils. Whenever one of your friends or family members signs up for a starter kit, you will receive a check for $50. After three people sign up, your starter kit is free! Sounds like a good deal to me.
Which one looks like a better deal to you?
Click here if you are ready to purchase.